Sunday, March 22, 2009

Springtime in the Desert...

"Absence makes the hear grow fonder", the philosopher says. I think there is a strong case for the idea. It has been a while since we've been riding, but the awesome springtime in the desert beckoned, and we finally got back out. Desert spring is very short, so we had to get out while the getting is good! It turned out to be a bit warm, but very invigorating! Due to high school band commitments, we didnt make it out to McDowell Mtn park until 12;30. Rex and Tina met us there with Ezra and Carley. It was a fun ride, and not a race, so we just took it easy and enjoyed the day.

Ryan and Lonna at the Trailhead...

The Pemberton trail is a great trail for most riders, and as our group had varied skill levels, we decided to take part of that trail. Pretty much it's uphill for the first half of the ride, and if you can make it all the way, a GREAT downhill run all the way back. Turning around at any point is also available, and was chosen by some in our group. No problem, they just got a shorter downhill run!

The rest of us Soldiered uphill to Tonto Tank and turned around there to catch the Granite Trail back down. Wow. The desert is at its most spectacular right after a rainstorm, in my opinion, but second to that is a sunny spring day, with a breeze, and that's just what we had.

The 20 min ride down is well worth the hour climb! I was calling out our speed to Ezra (10 yrs old), ( i got a speedometer for Christmas...), and he was totally jazzed when we reached 20 mph at one point. I realize that at that speed it is hard to appreciate the scenery, but it sure is a blast! Great ride with no injuries and got to see a rattlesnake on our way out. Days don't get much better!

Get out! Get on! and Get Riding!